Harvey Cedars Bible Conference

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Rest and Renewal for Your Pastor

One way for a church to express appreciation for a pastor is to sponsor their attendance at our annual Pastors' Retreat in May! Listening to good speakers, accessing great publications, and engaging with other pastors can be life-building.

The Faithful Shepherd retreat takes place Monday to Wednesday, May 12-14, 2025.

Faithful Shepherd from P&R Publishing is a friendly, personal, and relaxed event for pastors, elders, ministry leaders, and their spouses. Rest, connect, and enjoy God’s creation while gaining practical wisdom and encouragement from like-minded ministers and a selection of insightful speakers.

Pastors Learn about…

  • Dealing with discouragement in ministry

  • Strengthening marriages in seasons of hardship

  • Faithfulness and finishing well

and Come for…

  • Stimulating talks and Q&As from experienced speakers

  • Opportunities to fellowship with other church leaders

  • Time away at a beautiful beach location

Sharing each other's concerns in a spiritual environment lifts loads off the hearts of pastors who may feel isolated. Speakers include Jonathan Landry Cruse and Bill Smith. Start planting seeds now and encourage your pastor to attend!