Summer Staff
June 9 - September 1, 2025
Make your summer a summer of significance.
Looking for a summer job at the shore? Summer Staff at Harvey Cedars is more than that—it’s also a time to serve, make lifelong friends, and grow closer to Jesus Christ.
Each summer, dozens of teenagers and college-age young adults come to serve at Harvey Cedars and experience lasting personal and spiritual growth.
God has done great things with our staff: many have gone on to attend Christian colleges, become pastors, and serve in missions.
In addition to work, you’ll participate in:
Worship and chapel sessions with music and guest speakers
Biblical studies that encourage devotional, spiritual, and theological discussion
Mentoring opportunities from leadership and supervisors
Fun events & outings planned regularly for group participation
Volunteer Program
Volunteers work 30 hours per week and are fully involved in the program and activities. This is a great way to spend a few weeks of your summer gaining experience and discipleship.
Read the Summer Staff Handbook and commit to abide by its guidelines.
Complete the application form between late November and early spring.
Have one of each of the following complete the reference form:
a pastor or other spiritual leader
a teacher or employer
one other adult non-family member
Please note that some applicants will receive acceptance letters starting in March, and others may receive them later. We are always processing applications, encouraging anyone interested to apply. Feel free to check in with us along the way at!
Follow our Instagram page for photos and events!