A Personal Silent Retreat in December

As we enter the busy Christmas season, it’s good to slow down, thank God for his blessings, spend time in his word, and speak and listen to him in prayer. The weekend of December 6-7, we are offering an opportunity to get away alone and seek greater intimacy with Christ.

This retreat is intended to be a quiet time to spend in prayer and reflection. We provide four meals (Friday dinner to Saturday dinner) and short devotional and worship times, as well as self-guided reflection booklets to help you spend quality time in prayer about your family, vocation, ministry, dominating sin, and other areas of life. Our prayer is that as you engage in these prayer focuses that God would provide what you need for the coming year.

John Grove of Prayer Summits of Greater Philadelphia will be joining us to lead chapel times.

The time you invest in your life spiritually will yield eternal dividends. Consider spending some intentional time sitting in God’s creation this December at Harvey Cedars.

If you are interested in attending this personal silent retreat, begin registration online or call us at (609)-494-5689.


Happy Thanksgiving from Harvey Cedars!


From the Archive: “Story of the Chapel” - Rev. Jack Murray, 1949