2024 Recap: A Heart for God

Our theme this year was "A Heart for God." In the Psalms, we see how the hardest times in David's life led him to depend on God, and as a result of his faith, God trusted him with greatness.

David wrote, "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me," and "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight." It has been our prayer that we all would seek to cultivate a heart for God, depend on him in the same way, and live in a way that reflects that each and every day.

The Cove

Stepping Into the Next Generation

On August 8, we dedicated our newest building 'The Cove,' with a ceremony recalling the things God has done for us throughout our history.

The building is designed for various types of groups in order to maximize opportunities for people to come to HCBC and for it to be a place "where Christ finds people and changes lives." It features family-style rooms, bunk rooms for teens, and a central meeting space for retreats.

Because of donors' generous giving and partnership with our "Stepping Into the Next Generation" project, this long-planned building has become a reality just 5 years after its sister building The Marsh! We are very thankful!

Retreats & Events

Every year during Labor Day weekend, when families across the US are enjoying the fleeting summer days, HCBC is hosting hundreds of Chinese Christians and non-Christians alike at one of our largest events of the year, Gospel Camp. Over the years, this has remained a prime outreach opportunity for those attending as we've seen thousands come to Christ through this event alone. Attendees must bring someone who is not saved. This year, our of nearly 500, we witnessed 91 people come to Christ! It takes a lot of work to put on these events, but it is so fulfilling and rewarding to be a part of what God is doing.

Our mission at Harvey Cedars is to help people learn about Christ, become more like him, and train for Christian leadership.

We have also been working to introduce new retreat opportunities, having the second Winter Chill youth retreat in January (the third coming up in a few weeks!), a new personal quiet retreat in early December, and an upcoming new Couples Weekend in February!


Aside from regular maintenance, there are a number of improvements to conference facilities each year thanks to your support. Here are a few highlights from this year:

  • Construction of The Cove completed

  • New siding on Dining Room entrance

  • Upgraded lighting in Bayview Lodge hallways to LED

  • Upgraded stage lighting and ceiling-mounted projector in The Cedars meeting space

  • Upgraded audio equipment and speakers in Oldham Chapel for summer family weeks

  • Upgraded coffee machines and expanded menu in Davis Center Cafe (partnership with How You Brewin)

  • Added artwork and photography by Waypoint students to walls in various spaces

  • Repurposed old bookstore room in the Chapel as a meeting space for retreats

  • New flooring at bottom of south staircase of the Victorian Hotel

  • Refreshed paint on various bunk-beds and walls in Victorian Hotel

We look forward to continually upgrading our facilities to offer improved retreat experiences!

Summer Staff

“Make Me A Servant, humble and Meek”

Our Summer Staff is one of our key ministries! Over 110 teens and college-age adults came to serve throughout the summer this year, as well as several speakers and "staff parents" who serve as spiritual leaders for our staff.

Summer Staff also participates in daily devotions, worship sessions, small groups, fun games and trips, and leadership opportunities as they are encouraged to live in a distinct way as followers of Christ.

Our Summer Staff's theme song this year:

"Make me a servant, humble and meek;
Lord, let me lift up those who are weak;
And may the prayer of my heart always be,
Make me a servant today."


Our transformative discipleship program Waypoint is in full swing! This program empowers young adults to explore their faith and calling while gaining experience serving in various roles.

Students are focused on building a spiritual foundation. They’ve completed the Life and Calling course from Cairn University, which has sparked much discussion among them about what it truly means to follow Jesus and discover unique callings. Outside the classroom, they cultivate habits for memorizing and meditating on Scripture.

Discipleship is the heartbeat of Waypoint. It features mentorship groups that dive into the disciplines of godly men and women, fostering discussions that help students become more like Christ. Practical learning also plays a key role, with coaches and other local professionals providing insights on fitness, business, and artistic skills.

We are thankful to see this thriving program continue to nurture faith and growth in God’s children!

Thank You!

We are thankful for all who have supported us through prayer and giving. It is our prayer that in the coming new year, Harvey Cedars will continue to fulfill its mission to be a place that helps people find renewed inspiration to live every day glorifying Christ in their homes, churches, neighborhoods, workplaces, and more.


A Wonderful Winter Chill!


The Reason for Christmas